Wednesday, June 13, 2007

looking before you leap

- As I was wandering the streets of Midtown after work today, I walked by a crowd that was waiting to catch a glimpse of Angelina Jolie in the NY premiere of A Mighty Heart. Because I had nothing better to do at that particular point in time, I loitered around for a couple minutes, pretending to care, as fellow commoners (ie non-media peeps) stood attentively, straining their eyes, wielding footlong-lens cameras. If I'd waited for another 10 minutes I'd probably have seen her... but dinner (in the voice of Leslie) called, and really...who cares. (obviously I do enough to write about it...)

[- My other option had been to enter a random bar, order a random drink (well, probably a vodkacranberry), maybe talk to some random people, do it up Sylvia-Plath-in-The-Bell-Jar style (her fave liquor was vodka!). But it was easier just to stand in a crowd.]

- Not terribly sure I want to be a book editor anymore. apparently most, if not all, manuscript-reading is done outside of work hours. the publishing director admitted today to being a terrible procrastinator and that every sunday night she ends up uttering "Shit. I have about 5 manuscripts I should've read this weekend." Sounds like someone I know a little too well. Neverending reading, I had thought, was soooo college. But I guess not.

- I apologise for the absence of scandalous stories to date. The only slightly interesting thing so far has been a facebook message reply in the form of: "hey ! thanks, yeah I had a lot of fun friday, we should definitely chill a lot this summer, seeya !" ["Friday" having been a friend's birthday gathering, during which the closest physical contact consisted of me passing the hookah hose to him and back again.] I realise that the intention behind this message could be purely platonic, but his reply has nonetheless prompted some uncertain giddiness on my part and I know not how to respond... yeah, I clearly need to get a life. Maintenant.

- I keep being inspired with random lines, images, and thoughts throughout the day but neglect to write them down. By the time I am ready to recall them from memory, they have vanished. My memory requires immediate improvement or I'll never make it in this world.

- If I see another misplaced apostrophe in what is meant to be the word its, I may have to slaughter. Or rip up manuscripts and stomp on them--in or out of the privacy of my cube.

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