Thursday, June 07, 2007


one of the interns held a little mixer party at her apartment today after work, with wine and beer and appetizers galore. since we don't get a week of training here like the interns at many banks do in order to meet people/bond/make friends, this mixer was much needed and appreciated. (the brie was much needed and appreciated.) my social skills (or lack thereof) did not completely fail me, and the kids are generally cool. however, from tonight it must be concluded that the girls (which make up most of the intern population) are much friendlier and down-to-earth than the guys (at least those present), who seem douchey and arrogant overall. a pity, tis. i overheard some pledge of "male solidarity" before i left the party. it amused and disturbed me.

and yes, i'm slightly buzzed and thus cannot be completely articulate or eloquent. (and yes, that is just an excuse. the great writers wrote best under the influence.)

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